Proposal for Partnership between StableLab and Instadapp


StableLab is the leading provider of governance solutions for decentralized protocols. We contribute to over 25 protocols and ecosystems with exceptional participation metrics. Partners include Arbitrum, Optimism, Aave, Uniswap, 1inch, Balancer, Lido, and MakerDAO.

StableLab proposes a strategic partnership with Instadapp to enhance DAO-to-DAO relationships and facilitate deeper integration with other DeFi protocols. Our aim is to expand the usability and adoption of Instadapp’s offerings, such as Fluid, by fostering robust collaborations within the Web3 ecosystem.


DAO-to-DAO Relationship Management

  • Scope: Identify and evaluate potential DAO-to-DAO collaboration opportunities, including the exploration of grants that could benefit Instadapp DAO.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Facilitate targeted partnerships with leading DeFi protocols to amplify Instadapp’s influence and drive adoption of Instadapp’s products, such as Fluid, across the Web3 landscape. These partnerships will focus on aligning mutual interests to drive substantial growth and user engagement.

Terms and Cost

  • Commission Structure upon successful DAO-to-DAO paid engagements facilitated by StableLab.
    • For the cumulative grant amount secured by StableLab the commission percentage will be 20% for the range between $0-$250k, from $250k to $1m the commission is linearly decreasing to 10%, from $1m and above the commission is $1m. The maximum commission is not capped.
      • Below $250k there is a straight 20% commission. For above $250k the formula will be the following: Fee = 0.0667 × Grants + 33333.33. For amounts 1 million USD and above, the commission rate will be reduced to 10%.
  • TVL Revenue: StableLab will earn 100% of the revenue generated from TVL deployments facilitated by StableLabs’ business partners and liquidity providers during the first three months of each partnership.
  • Payment Options: Payments can be made in USDT, USDC, DAI, INST tokens, or other relevant cryptocurrencies, accommodating the preferences of InstadappDAO. StableLab will create a governance proposal with a request for compensation.
  • Engagement Term: The proposed term is for an initial twelve months, with the option to extend based on mutual satisfaction and the achievement of specified goals.


We propose the following objectives for our first twelve months of engagement, pending confirmation and discussion with the Instadapp team.

  • Partner DAO Engagement: Actively manage and spearhead the formation of new partnerships. This will include setting up meetings, negotiating terms, and ensuring beneficial agreements for Instadapp.
  • Integration Facilitation: Work closely with technical teams from both Instadapp and partner DAOs to ensure smooth and efficient integration processes.

Leadership and Team

  • Leadership: Doo Wan Nam, COO and Co-founder of StableLab, will oversee this initiative. His experience in DAO governance and ecosystem strategy will be crucial for navigating the complexities of DAO-to-DAO relationships.
  • Support Team: A dedicated team from StableLab will assist Doo Wan Nam, ensuring consistent progress and attention to all partnership details.


This proposal is motivated by discussions held with Instadapp in March 2024, which highlighted Instadapp’s ambitions to not only expand its governance capabilities but also to enhance its product integrations within the DeFi space. The proposed partnership aims to leverage StableLab’s expertise in DAO relations to achieve these goals effectively.


StableLabs has recommended itself as the leading service provider in the space of governance and DAO-to-DAO solutions. I think onboarding StableLabs will accelerate the growth of Instadapp and Fluid in particular.

I support this proposal and am excited to start working with StableLabs.


The Instadapp Team has submitted an off-chain proposal for the DAO’s approval of StableLab’s Proposal

Snapshot: StableLab Partnership with Instadapp

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Congratulation to StableLabs :partying_face: Snapshot passed successfully to onboard!