POAP for early bird user for Instadapp

Hi! Allow me to propose to make POAP of Instadapp.

To attract the old and new people of Instadapp.

Currently NFT is bubbling and some people focus from DeFi to NFT. And some users want to have incentive as early birds of Instadapp.

Make some kinds of POAP for Instadapp users. I think Instadapp has several versions, so make some design as their stage.
It will be a good icon for Discord and Twitter. I’m sorry I don’t have development technique or design but I hope the team or some contributor can make it. Or I can use 3rd party designer to make it.

Another idea is to decorate Twitter icons like this.

I’d like to have feedback!


I think It’s a great idea! It helps to attract newbies especially in China joining Instadapp.

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Hey Daa, I think POAP’s are a great way to reward users. How do you want to distribute them?

Also, @Fabricated_Abyss might have a good POAP design for this. They made some for Instadapp recently that looked really good!

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I can work on a POAP design based around being an early user. I can try to get a design done by the end of the day. I can either post it here or on Discord DM’s.


I finished and shared this with @Duo and @Seb_EthMonk a few days ago but forgot to post it here :sweat_smile:

Instadapp Poap Badges_Early Bird User