October 2021 Growth Fund


This is the allocation for the Growth Fund for both community and contributors for October 2021 and is our fourth distribution from the Community Growth Fund (CGF).


This proposal will distribute the October Community Growth Funds to community members who have made contributions to Instadapp through various activities, such as support and moderation, community outreach, and governance forums. The Growth Fund also allocates INST for bounties, development and other forms of growth.

:cn: Community Member created CN Wiki for Instadapp

I want to give a special shoutout to @Jason who has created a full fledge Wiki site for Chinese Users of Instadapp. Jason keeps the Chinese Community informed by translating important information and notices as well as creating unique guides and tutorials for the Chinese Community. You can find the site here: Instadapp操作指南CN - HackMD

:money_with_wings: Funds have been sent!

Thank you again for your continued contributions

:guardsman: Hold up! Should you be in this list?

Did you contribute some awesomeness to Instadapp in the month of September? Please reach out to myself or a fellow Guild Captains so that we may acknowledge and reward you for your contributions.


Community and Mods INST
Alex-7 WeChat Moderator + Chinese Support 125
Asia DeFi Network WeChat Moderator + Chinese Support 125
Taisuke Japanese Community Support 75
Da- Japanese Community Support 50
miscao Guild Captain + Community Support 150
CPix18 Guild Captain + Community Support 150
Duo Guild Captain + Community Support 150
Hillbilly_Chess Community Support 125
Fabricated_Abyss Archmedia Mage (Art + Design Work) 125
Bounties INST
lovecrypto0823 CN Wiki Database and Guides (Bonus) 100
lovecrypto0823 CN Wiki Database and Guides (Ongoing) 50
miscao Dune Dashboard Development (Ongoing) 100
Community Projects / Promotional INST
VisualColorCloud Codex Wiki Work 100
UbiquityDAO Developer Snowball - Phase 1 + 2 290
Promotional CN Social Media Promotional Campaign 150
Promotional POAP Raffle 150
Post Distribution CGF Holdings:
USDC Holdings: $2,002
INST: 14222
Allocated INST: 5000 to Rabbithole Quest