How can we earn Inst token. What should we do for this. Can you help me?
You can earn $INST through a couple different forms of liquidity mining. If you already have an Instadapp account ( on either Ethereum mainnet or Polygon with an active balance in Maker, Compound, or Aave V2 you are eligible to claim $INST tokens. If you manage a DeFi position on Maker, Compound, or Aave V2 outside of Instadapp you can import it by creating an account and following the import steps to claim your available $INST. To actively earn $INST you will either need to keep your DeFi position mentioned above in an Instadapp account, the current APY is around 10-15%. You can also deposit $INST/ETH into the INST Pool on the Instadapp dashboard to earn $INST for providing liquidity on Uniswap V3. That APY is much higher at the moment but should decrease over time as more $INST/ETH is deposited. Most details can be found in Instadapp’s latest blog post - Introducing INST
as mentioned below. I add, you can buy INST on uniswap. the list is here
Thanks. Is there a way for members of the community to earn tokens in exchange for their work that helps the protocol? Would discord be the best place to find such opportunities?
I can’t speak on that directly but I do think messaging an admin in the Instadapp Discord would be the best way to find out.
@CPix18 @akshaybd @Pcapital @Salserda
@Seb_EthMonk started a post regarding community growth fund - Instadapp Community Growth Fund. Here you can put your thoughts on what other things you think should be incentivized to have the proper contribution from the community and perfect distribution to members deeply attached to the protocol.