Airdrop Issues Solution Proposal (Rough Draft)

  1. Time Limit for New Claims
    I like the idea of having a time limit to claim however, it would be a bit complicated to separate out those who claimed before and don’t have a time expiration, vs those that never claimed and adding a time expiration to them. I think its too complicated. I would suggest we agree on a hard date to claim for all participants. Probably a year from the original airdrop. (Maybe a small decay function to encourage claiming - not sure about this but open to it. )

  2. INST for AAVE v.1
    (pardon I wrote this a bit before scrolling all the way down, but it also answers @CPix18 question too)
    I like the idea of including AAVE v.1 however, I think we need to consider the lifespan of AAVE v.1 and what it means to support a slightly older contract / marketplace like AAVE v.1.
    From a product prospective, its clunky to include because it doesn’t have the same functions as AAVE v.2 and is not receiving as many updates; there are use-cases and other functions that will not work on AAVE v.1.
    There needs to be some consideration around the technical time/debt it will take to continue to support AAVE v.1. Another way we can approach this is maybe by encouraging v1 users to migrate to v2 in order to receive their INST; this will remove the clunkiness of having to support AAVE v1 into the future. This is what @CPix18 suggested in the second draft I agree with this proposition. :grinning:

  3. Language check
    I agree ‘Push forward’ is not clear enough; it could be changed to ‘make entirely claimable’ or something similar

  4. How much INST for AAVE v.1
    @miscao’s approach here is good I think in trying to figure out how much AAVE v.1 should get - did you use Instadapp’s TVL to determine the rate for AAVE v.1? We used overall defi market initially so it we need to do some math that looks more like: AAVE v.1 TVL / sum of [COMP TVL, AAVE v2 TVL, MAKER TVL]