Instadapp Governance Proposal
-Since the launch of $INST there have been several DeFi users with active positions in MakerDAO, Compound, and/or Aave V2 who’ve been unable to receive the full amount of their allotted token airdrop. One of the common occurrences stems from users importing a fraction of their current position to Instadapp as a test trial then no longer being able to claim the full amount of $INST.
Create a request form for any DeFi user who had a rightful claim at tokens but did not receive the full amount. The user will need to provide on-chain proof of meeting requirements to be eligible as well as on-chain proof of the partial tokens received.
The Instadapp community benefits from fair and wide distribution of the $INST token. The more unique token holders, the better liquidity in Uniswap V3, better chance at reaching quorum on voting proposals, and most importantly a more diverse community of happy token holders.
(If there is a way to fix this by updating a smart contract rather than doing a request form that could probably be more efficient)
If passed, this proposal will ensure strong ties with the Instadapp community members who may have otherwise felt cheated by the airdrop. After all, the Instadapp community shouldn’t penalize those who have the patience and wherewithal to send a test transaction first.
Twitter Poll (Instadapp Account) gauging how many DeFi users were affected by this issue
Which category best fits your experience with the $INST airdrop?
-Received full amount allotted (position was already in Instadapp)
-Received full amount allotted after importing full position into Instadapp
-Received partial airdrop due to import issues
-Did not receive airdrop even though I own an Instadapp DSA
Snapshot Vote to gauge voting sentiment before a formal vote