Instadapp Bounty Board

:dart: Open Bounties

:man_teacher: Build an Instadapp Dune Analytics Hub

Create a dune analytics dashboard for Instadapp DeFi Smart Layer.

There are several different parameters which could be interesting to build around such as: TVL, Collateral/Debt by Protocol/Account Balances/GUNI APR/Cross Chain Migration Data/LM Statistics/Trading Volume/Flashloan Volume Metrics/etc

Bounty Reward: 500 INST

:satellite: Build the Instadapp Subgraph

The Graph community is seeking an Instadapp Subgraph to be built and open-sourced for the Web3 ecosystem.

The bounty requires a designed and built subgraph schema and manifest and deployed subgraph on The Graph’s hosted service. The Instadapp Bounty Board will supplement The Graph’s selected bounty winner with an additional 500 INST.

For full details please view The Graph’s Instadapp Subgraph Bounty Page

Bounty Reward: 500 INST + $2000*